Sunday, March 21, 2010

Greetings from Doha!

Hey Family!

Greetings from Doha, the capital (and pretty much only city in) the lovely country of Qatar. I'm only here for 24 hours or so, en route to Islamabad.

Unfortunately, I don't really have any photos to share with you, but essentially Doha is a city in the desert. We landed at about 5pm this evening into the teeth of a mild sandstorm, which had the dual effect of 1)confusing me as to whether it was day or night, and 2)making it almost impossible to tell what was land and what was sky.

I didn't take any pictures from the plane of Qatar. But, if I did, they woulda looked like this:

My last day in DC was great...I had a nice, long skype video chat with the Paris bunch (all four of them, including a sleepy Theo), checked out of my hotel around 2pm, and basically spent 3-4 hours walking around DC. The weather was gorgeous (sunny and about 70 degrees, without the oppressive DC summer humidity), and I didn't really have any place specific I had to be. I walked through some parks, strolled by my new house (occupied by renters) to have a look, and stopped for lunch at "Dos Gringos," a favorite little hang-out joint.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aloha My Ohana!!
Thank you David .
I'm happy to join this blog.
Good Blog name!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

An Irish Travel Blessing

It seems a lot of the family will be traveling in March. This famous Irish travel blessing seemed appropriate, even if it would take a lot of digging and possibly imagination to find any Celts in the family tree.

May the road rise up to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rain fall soft upon your fields,
and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Here's wishing everyone safe travels and worthy destinations.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A message from our sponsors!

So do as we say, and post some schtuff here. Now!

Kicking off this Blog...

OK, so at dinner tonight there was a resolution, unanimously passed by family members duly assembled (and stuffed to the gills) to start a family blog. This way, people can post whatever's on their minds, and discuss whatever's coming up on the family agenda. Which, in the Hoffman-Kusumoto world, usually means some combination of food, holidays, and who's going to host. Or...this can be a good way for family to stay abreast of what's happening to relatives living in far-away places.

Fair enough.

If I can figure out how, I want to give everybody the ability to post stuff onto this blog. This way, there's no need for content to flow "through" a single administrator (me, for example). Rather, people can just add whatever they want. With this blogger site, it's super easy to put videos, pictures, etc., on there, so feel free to make entries as quick and short as you'd like! For example, here's a short video clip of me setting up this blog:

OK, without further adieu, let's get at it!!!! Family members, start your engines!